I am a lot of things, but in the deepest part of my DNA, God made me a psalmist. As long as I can remember, I have loved to sing, and usually had a song in my heart playing inside of me. I took piano lessons for several years as a child, then stepped away from it until Cindy and I returned from serving in the Philippines for 2 years. I came back to Texas from there with a passion and calling from the Lord to be able to play the piano and lead worship. God revealed to me, “You will not be able to go where I want to take you, or to lead others into the places I want you to go, without being able to express yourself on the piano.” So, in early 1990, I got seriously re-introduced to the piano and started learning how to play from lead sheets. Shortly thereafter, I began writing songs as a regular part of my life, and that continues to this day.
Some of them are songs of deliverance. Some of them are songs that literally sing me through seasons of my journey with the Lord. Others of them are prayers for myself, as well as prayers for others. Some of them have become songs for worship services, but many of them are better suited to “sing over people” than to have people sing along. Most of them are from my heart to the Lord, but occasionally, He will share His heart with me to sing over others and myself.
Like the Biblical psalms, my songs cover a wide range of topics, thoughts and emotions. Many of them have their roots solidly in verses of Scripture. Sometimes, they are the result of reading a verse and hearing music behind the words. Sometimes, it’s a phrase someone speaks in a revelatory setting – and I hear music when they speak it. Sometimes, the music comes first; at other times, it’s a download of words. Every once in awhile, it all comes together simultaneously.
My songs tend to be part of the journey of dialogue and discovery I have with the Lord. These interactions between myself and God feed my spirit, increase my faith, shape my perceptions, and provide a platform to minister to others as a psalmist. Some folks write, journal or blog their deepest thoughts and prayers; I tend to write songs.
I am ruined by the mercy of God, and carried by His song. My prayer is that as you listen to my songs, the power of the Holy Spirit will rest on you in tangible ways. He alone is The Comforter and The Encourager. We find peace of mind and the restoring of our souls in His presence alone.
I invite you to join me for a Midweek Refreshing: every Wednesday from 12 noon to 1 PM at Impact Christian Fellowship we spend an hour together in contemplative psalmist worship, just as I’ve described here.
O Lord, You have searched me and You know me. You know when I sit and when I rise; You perceive my thoughts from afar. You discern my going out and my lying down; You are familiar with all my ways…You hem me in – behind and before; You have laid Your hand upon me. Such knowledge is too wonderful for me.
– From Psalm 139
David Danielson has been happily married to his beautiful bride, Cindy, for over 30 years and is the proud father of five amazing kids: Josiah, Arielle, Taylor, Martha and Faith; and “Pops” to three grandchildren – Noah, Margaret and Jack – with two more on the way by the end of 2019. He is currently the pastor at Impact Christian Fellowship in Kerrville, TX and has been serving in ministry for over 40 years. Connect with David on Facebook.